Thursday, January 29, 2015


What is a website wireframe? Explain. If you don't know what it is, look it up. Find an image online to place on your blog that represents a website wireframe and how they work.

A website wireframe is analogous to the blueprint of a building. It provides the basic layout and structure of the website and acts as a reference for how the website will appear after it has been completed and filled out.  Often times wireframes are created by software developers or website developers to show their clients what the final product will look like. Additionally, wireframes can help maximize efficiency of websites by allowing creators to try various layouts and see which one is the most appealing and practical.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Finish this sentence "10 years from now I will be...."

A law school graduate settled in a top ten law firm in New York. I will be on my way home to a loft overlooking central park that I recently bought for way too much money. I will possibly also be married, but hopefully not to someone who is irritating.

Monday, January 26, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. Go.

I finally did not have anything to do on a Saturday this weekend so I was able to stay at home and catch up on sleep and homework. I had a recharging weekend and I really enjoyed being able to spend time with my family as well. On Sunday I had my Princeton college interview downtown at the Stinson law firm. The interview itself went really well and I hope that it helped my chances of admission to the university.

Friday, January 23, 2015


Kids these days have no respect for their elders, instead of cowering in fear at their parents' words these kids talk back. If I had talked back to my parents, they would have beat me sideways until I could not sit for weeks. Also, kids these days have a sense of entitlement, they think that they deserve everything they have and constantly want more, claiming that if they don't get it, it is "unfair." Get over yourselves. I used to mow lawns for months to save up so I could buy my Big Wheel. Kids these days just need to change because the future looks bleak.

Thursday, January 22, 2015


What do you find the most confusing and frustrating part of web design and HTML code so far? What would make it easier? What don't you understand? What do you understand? Explain yourself.

In my opinion,the most frustrating aspect of coding is remembering the minute details of creating items such as links. After a while it becomes difficult to keep track of every step that we have learned thus far and therefore the coding takes a longer time. To make this easier we could have a table or reference page of various coding steps so that we could easily remember these items. Other than this I understand all of the material that we have covered so far in this class.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


This weekend I went to Derby, Kansas for State Debate, After three days of hard word we took 2nd place in four speaker debate as team, which is a good accomplishment but is still disappointing because we won last year.  Aside from this I just tried to catch up on sleep for the rest of weekend.


I am very active in the Blue Valley community as far as activities and clubs are concerned. Specifically I am in Student Council, Debate, Forensics, Band, Kay Club, Tennis, and Relay for Life to name a few. As  a senior now, my favorite class is definitely AP Government with Mr. Mowry. More than anything, I am excited to graduate.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


Always remember to look before you step
Beware of random hairs on your backpack
Call your parents when you are in college
Dominate every competition
Elephants are the best animals
Find your passion and follow it
Get it together
Hello can make someone's day
I can get irritated quickly
Jump over cracks in the sidewalk
Kites can make a Sunday a funday
Lollipops are the best part of going to the doctor's
Mother's day is important
Names are worth remembering
Overland Park is a great place to grow up
Prakash is going to be a famous name someday
Quitting is sometimes acceptable
Rainy days are meant for reading
Stop judging others
The easiest way to make enemies is by gossiping
Under thinking decisions is much worse than over-thinking
 V for vendetta is a great movie
Watermelon is a pleasing summertime snack
You are really not that important
Zoos are my favorite places to spend a weekend

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


What are your thoughts on this class so far? Easy? Hard? Informative? Frustrating? What have you learned so far? What do you want to learn? Explain yourself.

So far I have found this class to be decently informative, although many of the skills we are learning this far are things that I already knew how to do. However, learning how to perform basic coding has been an interesting experience that has opened my eyes to the world of computer science, giving an interest in learning actual code in the future. The basic tasks that we have performed have been pretty easy, but as we progress through code academy the lessons have gotten more and more challenging. By the end of this class, I hope to learn how to actually design a website, beyond the simple design of a blogger blog. Additionally, I hope to learn how to set up a personal domain, something that will be useful in the future. Web design has been an interesting experience and my only complaint is that simply working on code academy for prolonged periods can be tedious, but overall I am satisfied with the class.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Tell me about your weekend. What did you do? Upload a photo to your Google Drive and then insert the photo (or photos!) to your blog post to show me what all you did.

Unfortunately my weekend was pleasant because I had to wake up before dawn (4:15 A.M.) in order to get on a bus and drive to Salina, Kansas for All-State band auditions. After a three-hour drive I found myself in Salina, a city that is drastically different from Overland Park. Although my morning was not enjoyable, the rest of my day went smoothly with my audition going well and the Ravens losing in the playoffs. While I was going to lunch in Salina, I had an interesting experience. At Subway a man suddenly began talking to my friends and I asking us numerous questions about where we were from, how old we were, and then launching into a tangent about his favorite music. I was definitely confused by this man but in retrospect it added some excitement to my day. As a whole, my weekend was interesting and eventful.


Friday, January 9, 2015


Playing Settlers of Catan: A
Waiting on others: C-
Speaking in front of crowds: A
Growing constantly: A
Creating blogs: A
Paying attention in math class: C
Test taking: A
Remembering the date: F

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Read this small newspaper clipping and then write a blog post about it. What are your thoughts? How does it make you feel? Do you agree? Disagree? Explain yourself.

Although the judge mentioned in the clipping presents a cohesive argument that is valid and is based on his personal experiences, the article itself presents too idealistic of an image of what a teenager should be. In my opinion teenagers should go out into the world and attempt to make a difference instead of simply waiting for others to help them achieve goals, however I also believe that as adolescents, teenagers should still receive help from others. Without the support and guidance of adults, teenagers' actions are often wrongheaded and lead to consequences. The judge presents an extreme ideology, one that I can partially agree with but also one that needs to be more grounded in reality.